Panorado JS - Browser Compatibility

Browser Touch Multi­Touch Device Orienta­tion window.
Canvas WebGL WebGL Texture Size 16000/ 8000 px Video
Video User Media Comments
Windows 11 /Desktop
MS Edge 111 no no no no yes 16384 yes MP4, WebM, Ogg yes User Media: requires HTTPS
Chrome 111 no no no no yes 16384 yes MP4, WebM, Ogg yes User Media: requires HTTPS
Firefox 111 no no no no yes 16384 yes MP4, WebM, Ogg yes 16000/8000px: downscaled only. User Media: requires HTTPS
Opera 97 no no no no yes 16384 yes MP4, WebM, Ogg yes User Media: requires HTTPS
Android 12 /Nokia T20 Tablet, Android 11 /MIUI Smartphone
Chrome 111 yes yes yes (Smartphone only) yes yes 4096 no MP4, WebM yes Images > 8000/4000px get downscaled by the browser. Device orientation: good; requires HTTPS. User Media: requires HTTPS
iOS /iPhone OS
Safari yes proprietary yes yes yes 16384 ? MP4 yes iPhone 8: unstable with larger images. Current Mac/iPhone/iPad devices with current browser versions seem to perform quite accurately - not tested in detail
Debian 12 /Desktop
Firefox 91 no no no no yes 16384 yes MP4, WebM, Ogg no 16000/8000px: downscaled only


Date: 2023-03-30

This is of course an incomplete selection of configurations. The results are a snapshot of the current state of the art and will certainly be subject to changes in the future.

Currently, the browsers underlayed with green color support Panorado JS properly.

More about cross browser issues at

More about JavaScript/ECMAScript versions at

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