The immersive experience!


This page will demonstrate some of the various features of the viewer, and how to set them programmatically. Try different settings, on desktop computers and mobile devices, and see the results!

For a look behind the scenes, click on one of the Source Code links on the left for the HTML/CSS/JavaScript code. We tried to keep the code as simple as possible. There's no need for external libraries (like JQuery). You might copy/paste/customize this as a starting point for your own projects.

All demos run within individual <iframe> elements which can bee 'freed' when you click on Extra Window.

Please be aware that on some devices/browsers the number of simultaneous WebGL instances is limited. If a single demo on this page doesn't get started, it most probably will if opened in a separate window.

See the Technical Reference for a complete documentation.

Device Orientation

Compass & Map Sample

Gallery Sample

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