Panorado JS Online Configurator v.
- create the framework interactively
This is a tool for creating the HTML and JavaScript framework for your PanoradoJS viewer.
All of your contents - images and data - remain on your local computer; no data will be uploaded to the web server.
The Configurator supports only some very basic features of the PanoradoJS viewer, leaving much space for refinement and extensions.
- The Projection setting on the 'Image' tab determines if an image will be displayed 'flat' or 'spherical' (like a panorama). You can arbitrarily mix images of both kinds!
- Select 'Create HTML' to generate some very simple HTML code based on your settings. It will be copied to the clipboard, from where you can paste it into a newly created HTML file.
- Select 'Load Project...' to load a previously saved project.
- Select 'Save Project' to save your entire project to a single file in your browser's local download folder. Check the browser's settings if this should not work. The project file in JSON format might get quite large as it contains all of the images' data.
- Select 'Save Files' to save your project to multiple files (HTML & images) in your browser's local download folder.
- Select 'Save Snapshot' to save the current view to a PNG image file in your browser's local download folder.
Image List
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