canvas |
[get; object] the canvas object within the HTML page where the image is to be "painted". |
compassVisible |
[set, get; boolean] Defines if the compass scale (cardinal direction) should currently be visible.
If yes, the compassNorth property of the current image will be considered.
Default: false. |
controls |
[get; object] Properties of control buttons within the viewer.
(description) |
currentImageId |
[set, get; numeric] The index of the image currently selected from the image list (0-based).
A value of -1 means that no image is selected from an image list. |
dispHorzFov |
[set, get; numeric] The horizontal field of view currently displayed (in degrees).
Refers to the viewer looking straightly horizontally (tilt = 0). |
dispVertFov |
[set, get; numeric] The vertical field of view currently displayed (in degrees). |
fullScreen |
[set, get; boolean] Defines if the viewer is to fill the entire screen area.
Default: false. |
fullWindow |
[set, get; boolean] Defines if the viewer is to fill the entire area of the document window.
Default: false. |
grabCursor0 |
[set, get; string] Defines the name of a .cur file used for the mouse cursor symbol
in grab mode with the left mouse button released. Optional. |
grabCursor1 |
[set, get; string] Defines the name of a .cur file used for the mouse cursor symbol
in grab mode with the left mouse button pressed. Optional. |
gridSize |
[set, get; numeric] The nominal size of the grid used for spherical projection.
A smaller grid provides better image quality but slower performance. Value: 1...8°, default: 4°. |
hotspots |
[set, get; array] A list of hotspot definitions (description)
for the image currently displayed |
hotspotsVisible |
[set, get; boolean] Defines if hotspots should be currently visible.
Default: true. |
hotspotTemplate |
[set; object] Defines default properties for hotspots.
These global definitions can be overidden for every single hotspot.
Object properties:
imgInfo [string]: URL of an image file for info hotspots. Default: internal symbol.
imgLink [string]: URL of an image file for link hotspots. Default: internal symbol.
border [boolean]: Show hospot popups with border? Default: false.
shadow [boolean]: hotspot popups with shadow effect? Default: false.
opacity [numeric]: Show hotspot popups with transparency effect? 0.0 .. 1.0; Default: 1.0.
image |
[set, get; object] The image that is currently displayed.
Besides the properties of a standard HTML Image object like
src , width and height ,
this object has some more specific properties (description). |
imageList |
[set, get; array] An optional list of image definitions.
If such a list is defined, the viewer can switch between the list's images using its
selectImage() and nextImage() methods. |
info |
[get; string] Information about The viewer's environment. |
initialized |
[get; boolean] Returns if the viewer could be initialized. |
isOrientationAvailable |
[get; boolean] Returns if device orientation can provide pan/tilt/roll parameters.
Mobile devices normally support this using gyroscope/accelerometer/compass sensors.
Unlike in the past, most devices/operating systems/browsers now work correctly.
The Chrome browser deprecates this feature for "insecure" origins (like HTTP). |
isTouchAvailable |
[get; boolean] Returns if touchscreen input is available. |
licenseKey |
[set, get; string] A 16-digit key assigned to a commercial license.
If omitted, the viewer may be used on private websites, displaying a product symbol in the bottom-right corner. |
loaded |
[get; boolean] Defines if currently an image is loaded completely, ready for viewing. |
maxScale |
[set, get; numeric] Sets a limit for zoomin in.
The specified scale will never be exceeded.
Value: 0.125...8; default: 8.0. |
minLivestreamWidth |
[set, get; numeric] The minimum horizontal resolution of the livestream video image. (pixels)
Default: 640.
Currently interpreted by Opera & Chrome browsers. MISE doesn't yet support livestreams; Firefox uses about:config settings. |
minScale |
[set, get; numeric] Sets a limit for zoomin out.
The specified scale will never be exceeded.
Value: 0.125...8; default: 0.125. |
mouseMode |
[set, get; string] Defines if dragging the mouse will move the viewport ("pan") or the image ("grab").
Default: "grab" for touchscreens, else "pan". |
mousePan |
[get; numeric] Defines the horizontal viewing angle of the current mouse cursor position. |
mouseTilt |
[get; numeric] Defines the vertical viewing angle of the current mouse cursor position. |
mouseWheel |
[set, get; string] Defines the zoom direction when rotating the mouse wheel up.
"in", "out", or "ignore"; default: "in". |
orientationMode |
[set, get; string] Defines how device orientation shall be used to navigate the viewer. Options:
"none" = Ignore
"absolute" = Position image according to device cardinal direction (pan), tilt, and roll
The Chrome browser will possibly support "absolute" only for "secure" origins (such as HTTPS) in the future.
Default: "none". |
overlays |
[set, get; array] A list of overlay definitions (description)
for the image currently displayed |
overlaysVisible |
[set, get; boolean] Defines if overlays should be currently visible.
Default: true. |
overlayTemplate |
[set; object] Defines default properties for overlays.
These global definitions can be overidden for every single overlay.
Object properties:
popupClose [string]: Defines how popups get closed.
Options: "auto" (default) or "button".
popupPerspective [boolean]: Display overlay popups in perspective? Default: false.
popupPosition [string]: Position of overlay popups
Options: "auto" (default) or "center".
popupScaling [string]: Scale overlay popups depending on image scale.
Options: "fixed", "logarithmic" (default), or "linear".
symbolLabel [boolean]: Show symbol title as a label.
symbolPerspective [boolean]: Display overlay symbols in perspective? Default: false.
symbolSrc [string]: URL of an image file for overlays. Default: internal symbol.
symbolScaling [string]: Scale overlay symbols depending on image scale.
Options: "fixed", "logarithmic" (default), or "linear".
pan |
[set, get; numeric] Defines the current horizontal viewing angle.
Every image can be provided with its own initial viewing angle.
"Pan" is synonymous to "yaw".
Value: 0°...360°. |
panCursor0 |
[set, get; string] Defines the name of a .cur file used for the mouse cursor symbol
in pan mode with the left mouse button released. Optional. |
panCursor1 |
[set, get; string] Defines the name of a .cur file used for the mouse cursor symbol
in pan mode with the left mouse button pressed. Optional. |
panSpeed |
[set, get; numeric] Defines the current horizontal panning speed (degrees per second).
Every image can be provided with its own initial panning speed.
Value: 0...60. |
projection |
[set, get; string] The current projection mode: "flat" or "spherical". Default: "flat".
Every image can be provided with its own initial projection mode. |
roll |
[set, get; numeric] Defines the current rotation angle of the image around the length of the lens.
The roll value is used when controlling the view by device orientation.
Value: -180°...+180°. |
rollSpeed |
[set, get; numeric] Defines the current roll speed (degrees per second).
Every image can be provided with its own initial roll speed.
Value: 0...60. |
scale |
[set, get; numeric] Defines the current viewing scale.
A value of 1 is equivalent to 100%.
A value of 0 zooms out as much as possible while filling the viewport on at least two sides.
A value of -1 zooms out as much as possible without showing margins.
Any other negative value is a factor to the above mentioned scale for zooming out.
Every image can be provided with its own initial scale.
Value: 0.125...8. |
softFade |
[set, get; numeric] Defines the duration of the SoftFade effect.
SoftFade is a transition effect applied when switching between images.
Value: 0...10; default: 0.5. |
softPan |
[set, get; numeric] Defines the duration of the SoftPan effect.
SoftPan the delayed movement after the mouse button has been released.
Value: 0...5; default: 2. |
softZoom |
[set, get; numeric] Defines the duration of the SoftZoom effect.
SoftZoom is a smooth transition effect applied when zooming in or out.
Value: 0...5; default: 3. |
tilt |
[set, get; numeric] Defines the current vertical viewing angle.
Every image can be provided with its own initial viewing angle.
"Tilt" is synonymous to "pitch".
Value: -90°...+90°. |
tiltSpeed |
[set, get; numeric] Defines the current vertical panning speed (degrees per second).
Every image can be provided with its own initial panning speed.
Value: 0...60. |
useTouch |
[set, get; boolean] Defines if touchscreen input shall be used to navigate the viewer - instead of mouse input.
Default: true if available. |
version |
[get; string] The viewer's version Number. |
videoCurrentTime |
[set, get; numeric] Defines the current playing position of a video file (if loaded). In seconds. |
videoDuration |
[get; numeric] Returns the total playing time of a video file (if loaded). In seconds. |
videoPlaying |
[set, get; boolean] Defines if a video file (if loaded) is currently playing. |
videoSound |
[set, get; boolean] Defines if a video file (if loaded) is currently playing sound. |
waitImage |
[set, get; string] Defines the name of an image file to be displayed when waiting for an image to load.
If defined, this replaces the default image. Optional. |