The immersive experience!

Privacy Policy

- we care about your data

Karl Maloszek / Simple Software

Odenwaldstr. 16
12161 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 2648 4453

Privacy Management

The person in charge of managing privacy issues on this website is Karl Maloszek (contact data: see above).

SSL Encryption

We use state-of-the-art encryption technology (SSL/TLS, HTTPS) to protect the transmission of your data.

Access Data

For technical reasons, the provider of this website (or the webspace provider thereof) records information about every access to this website. This includes
- the name of the web page requested
- date and time of the request
- the amount of data transferred (in bytes)
- brand and version number of the user's web browser
- the website from where the user moved to your website (referrer url)
- the user's IP address
- the internet provider making the request on the user's behalf

All of this data is kept anonymous, and it's stored separate from any human related data provided by you. None of this information is suited to identify human individuals. Data is used for statistical purposes. If there is a strong suspicion for illegal use, the provider might use recorded data for clarifying the suspicion.

Cookies, Social Plugins, External Trackers

This website does not use cookies, nor does it contain any external tracker or analytic scripts that could be used to trace your activities.

Contact Form, Order Form

If you contact us via e-mail or web form, the information which you provide will be stored in order to answer your request or to process any subsequent issues.

Your Rights Concerning Information, Adjustments, Locks, Deletion, and Contradiction

You have the right to receive information about the personal data we stored about you at any time. You have the right to get your stored personal data corrected, locked, of deleted (unless storage is required legally). Please contact the person in charge of privacy management named above.

Locking data in a transparent way might require storing information in a lock file. You may demand the deletion of personal data unless storing is required legally.

Please contact us to perform changes or withdraw permissions with future effect.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

This privacy policy is subject to modifications in order to keep it up with future legal requirements and/or to reflect modificatons or extensions of our services. Changes will take effect when you revisit our website.


For any questions concerning our privacy policy, please send an e-mail message to

Contact Impressum Privacy Policy